Warming station available as temperature drops below freezing

January 16,2024

The City of Enterprise in conjunction with the Christian Mission opened a warming station as cold weather sweeps across the Wiregrass.

A hard freeze warning has been issued for Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. The temperature Wednesday morning is expected to be below 20 degrees, with the wind chill in the single digits.

The Christian Mission, located at 231 Geneva Highway, will allow people to seek shelter inside the facility.  Visitors will spend the daytime hours in the dining room of the facility and be moved to a hotel or shelter to stay overnight.

Residents are reminded to consider the “4 Ps” during extreme cold weather: People, Pets, Pipes and Plants.

  • People: Minimize time outdoors, check on the elderly and other vulnerable people
  • Pets: Keep pets warm and dry, and indoors, if possible. Ensure water and food does not freeze.
  • Pipes: Insulate pipes. Open cabinets under sinks to expose pipes to heated air.
  • Plants: If possible, cover plants to help retain heat.

Those interested in providing donations are asked to drop off either jackets or blankets to the Christian Mission. Monetary donations will also be accepted to help offset the cost of the hotel rooms. 

For more information, please call the Christian Mission at (334) 393-2607.